Read (Discography): Nocturnal Koreans
Nocturnal Koreans
I dressed and I showered
Before I awoke
I was fit for one purpose
I was going for broke
I brushed out my trail
Concealed my advance
Changing wheels often
There’d be no second chance
Do you think you are able
Of finding your way?
Bipolar opps met
Under sodium lamps
Five miles out from
The runaway ramp
Drug impaired drivers
Lost in the woods
Believe sea-burnt nurses
Never tasted so good!
Nocturnal Koreans
Are walking the halls
They missed their connection
They’re climbing the walls
Cracker barrel kids
And their cracker barrel folks
Beavis and Butthead...
Thro’ their cracker barrel jokes!
Internal Exile
An idle glance absorbs the terror
The weight of proof brings little pleasure
The trick's the thing, a cereal measure
Mao sifts the shit from trash to treasure
Marching! Marching!
Primed and armed, a loose projectile
Force into internal exile
In apple light, the laptop lackeys
Soft wear pedlars rake the readies
Backstab sermons sitting pretty
Bankrupt, cynics leave the city
Marching! Marching
His cupboard bare; his vision hardwired
Roving tamer; empty larder
Hearts of gold; no pot to piss in
Join the queue of future has-beens
A worker's thirst to be at leisure
Dissatisfied without measure
Dead Weight
Every risk you take could end in a thousand tears
Even triumphs turn to pain as they disappear
Strategies are all fine and good if they play out well
But you might be beter off with a wishing well
Buried in a distant forest
Chapters lost and then retrieved
All the unheard answers fly
Glide like butterflies
Simple acts of faith can become a strategy
Elegance of considered thought leading to synergy
Create new pathways between the hemispheres of the brain
An unlikely path that might just keep you sane
Forward Position
Shake me if there's any movement
Warn me if you hear a sound
Coded, flickered, triggered
Signals buried underground
From my ruin, long forgotten
Dreams of hope arise in smoke
I am black box, I remember
Every promise that you broke
Knowing there's no point in running
At daybreak, we'll soon be found
Wake me when you see them coming
Hear their steel keels run aground
From my ruin, long forgotten
Dreams of hope arise in smoke
I am black box, I remember
Every promise that you broke
The canyon floor provides protection
The star-filled sky is dark remote
Satellite and drone detection
Seize the time and catch your throat
Buildings opened to the sky glow
Timbers tumble through the floor
Chopper downwash; overhead noose
Jet buzz lasso, stay indoors
Believing in something
Believing in nothing
Reliving each moment
Or forgetting everything in time
Our days may be numbered
Our nights remain slumbered
Our meter is measured
Or regretting everything in time
You think I'm a dreamer
I've never really been there
A presence conjured from thin air
You think I'm a number
Still willing to rhumba
To lay it bare as if I care
Some people have questions
Some people have answers
Some people have nothing
They're holding everything in time
The spell may be broken
The demons have woken
The days are still pressing
And regressing everything in time
You think I'm a dreamer
I've never really been there
A presence conjured from thin air
You think I'm a number
Still willing to rumba
To lay it bare as if I care
Not with
And beyond
Sun fun
Round on
Twist up
Too few
Too men
Pilgrim Trade
Our African sisters have a spiritual plan
They follow the teachings of a triangular man
The AD to BC, the black and white gang
Amazed by cheap lasers, they're getting a tan
Magnetic steps funnel a babel of tongues
Sucking cash out of pockets, air out of lungs
The hordes that are eating a path through her doors
Record digital memories of her ceilings and floors
Harvesting pilgrims is an eternal trade
Sins are forgiven, indulgences gained
Confessions are heard; contrition is made
Entry to heaven will not be delayed
Fishes Bones
The back door
The back door
The back door's open
Are you needing a boost?
Inside is where my chickens roost
Just because you haven't got a TV in there
Are you needing a boost?
Just because you haven't got a TV in there
A person must be who they am
Doing the very best they can
How you get here
How did you get here?
I've often wondered
How will you get there?
I haven't a clue
What's the plan?
How will you get there?
How do you plan?
I've often wondered what the f*ck was going on in there
I'm counting fishes
Am making the dishes
I will… make all your wishes come true
Come true
Come true
They'll come true
I sent a message to your mobile home
I'm counting rings in a fish's bones
I'm counting rings/bones
Fishes! Rings!
Fishes! Rings!
Rings and rings and rings and rings and rings…